La SAMO sera fermée du 21 décembre au 5 janvier inclus. Les adhésions reçues pendant cette période seront traitées dès la rentrée, le lundi 6 janvier. Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et vous souhaitons de très belles fêtes !


The Foundation

Accueil / The FARMO / The foundation

THE FARMO, the Society of Friends’ Foundation

Created in April 2020 by the SAMO under the auspices of the Fondation de France, the Fondation des Amis pour le Rayonnement des Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie (Foundation of Friends for the Advancement of the Orsay and Orangerie Museums), also known as the FARMO, holds a distinct, complementary mission to that of the SAMO.

The FARMO provides support to general interest projects advocating research, education and the cultural democratization of these two museums.

Its projects are focused on the transmission and sharing of art and culture for all audiences.

The FARMO’s executive committee is comprised of eleven members, including seven founders – philanthropists convinced of the importance of art in our societies.

Art and Culture for All

The Fondation des Amis pour le Rayonnement des Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie is:

  • An essential form of support for international research in art history
  • A central figure in the ‘Centre de Recherches et de Ressources-Daniel Marchesseau’ project carried out by the Orsay Museum
  • A commitment to the democratization of culture with the funding of artistic practice workshops at the Orsay and Orangerie Museums assisting those facing great difficulties
  • Actions promoting the education and awareness of art for young audiences that are distanced from it

Support the FARMO

Make a donation

Why support the FARMO?

In order to concretize our initiatives, the FARMO is seeking support.

Give meaning to your commitment by promoting research in the history of art and contributing to cultural democratization!


Lan-Hsin Arnaud
General Delegate of the Fondation des Amis pour le Rayonnement des Musées d’Orsay et de l’Orangerie

01 40 49 48 34

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